Yeah. Funny. You funny. Heh.
“I will take the ring to Mordor….
… though I do not know the way”
– Frodo Baggins, neo-pro
Not all of Frodo’s team made it to the finish line of the inaugural Rivendell-Mordor Classic.
Gandalf crashed in the tricky ‘Moria’ section, and was dropped, though he was later able to rejoin the chase group – but oddly, when he turned up, he was in a different team’s kit. Boromir punctured and was forced to abandon.
The remaining group splintered due to an attack by Team Uruk-Hai GreenEdge but Sam and Frodo slipped away and rode an epic break to the finish, though they were chased hard by the privateer entrant Gollum, who almost pipped Frodo to the win.