I have a hypothesis. It goes like this.
Fly6 crash footage can always be improved by fading to black with a mournful piano soundtrack.
So I performed an experiment. Tell me what you think
I have a hypothesis. It goes like this.
Fly6 crash footage can always be improved by fading to black with a mournful piano soundtrack.
So I performed an experiment. Tell me what you think
No, not the thing about sock length. Or wearing particular shorts with particular jerseys. Or saddle bags. Not even Strunk & White’s famed and venerable treatise on the topic of well-formed English.
This is about a different kind of Style. This kind of style
If there’s one thing I really, really want to do, it’s go back to Europe, and spend classics season doing this:
Monumental Flanders – A documentary about cycling in Flanders and the Ronde – 2013 from Cycling in Flanders on Vimeo.
Yes, riding the amateur classics routes, Paris Roubaix and De Ronde most of all, getting splendidly drunk on fantastic beer with great people afterwards, then watching the pro peloton smash the cobbles. Then doing the whole thing again.
Please? Can I do that? Please?
Yeah. Funny. You funny. Heh.
“I will take the ring to Mordor….
… though I do not know the way”
– Frodo Baggins, neo-pro
Not all of Frodo’s team made it to the finish line of the inaugural Rivendell-Mordor Classic.
Gandalf crashed in the tricky ‘Moria’ section, and was dropped, though he was later able to rejoin the chase group – but oddly, when he turned up, he was in a different team’s kit. Boromir punctured and was forced to abandon.
The remaining group splintered due to an attack by Team Uruk-Hai GreenEdge but Sam and Frodo slipped away and rode an epic break to the finish, though they were chased hard by the privateer entrant Gollum, who almost pipped Frodo to the win.
Quite a few of us are hanging out for the start of Classics Season.
For my part, the non-stop excitement of the Tour Down Under has given way to the expected snoozarama of the Middle Eastern Tours, and it’s proving painful. So, as a service to us all, here’s a recap of my two favourite Classics from last year.
This should keep us going until Milan – San Remo on the 23rd March, where the one-day season kicks off proper, followed by E3 Harelbeke on 28th March, Gent-Wevelgem two days later, then the big two, Ronde van Vlaanderen and Paris – Roubaix on the 6th and 13th of April. Not to mention Amstel Gold (20-4), Fleche Wallone (23-4) and Liege-Bastogne-Liege (27-4) after that. April is going to be epic.
If I could hibernate from now till then, or take a time journey, I would. Especially since I’m injured at present and can’t race or train hard until my elbow heals up.
Cosmo Catalano, he of How The Race Was Won, has a new show and it’s really good. You should check it out. Much snarkier than GCN, and not prone to promoting quack remedies either. So that’s good. Also, mighty fine t-shirts.
You should probably also check out his HTRWW from the 2014 Tour Down Under, while you’re at it.
Ummm…. yeah.
From the recent JetBlack 24 hour, Rocky Trail’s 100th event. Here’s to at least 100 more!
This is fantastic. 25kg of Boris bike against Mont Ventoux.
To be honest, you should probably flick a bit of cash towards the Macmillan foundation for this. Go on, do it.
(Thanks to @bastardsheep for reminding me about the video)
I like a good cycling documentary, me. Here’s one about Sky and British Cycling’s epic 2012 – Part one, and below the fold, parts two to five. Forty-five minutes each. Settle in.